MIDI-to-Sprig 🎼->📜
Sprig is an awesome game console that you can get only by creating a game for it!
It comes with ultra-simple JavaScript game engine which allows you to start gaming very fast!
Below is a converter that takes a midi file - which you can create by, for example, making your own music with a piano keyboard 🎹…
…and spits out code understood by the Sprig engine, so you can play your own cool music in your games!
Select a .mid
Then, use this in your code as such:
// a list of all tracks found in the midi file
let tracks = [ ...
tracks.forEach((e) => playTune(e));
// done! playing your music now!
If you want to later stop the playback, do this:
// two different songs from generator
let song1 = [ ... ];
let song2 = [ ... ];
// array holding playback objects
let playbacks = [];
function stop() {
playbacks.forEach((e) => e.end());
function play(song) {
stop(); // stop whats currently playing
// put playback objects returned by playTune() into the array
playbacks = song.map((e) => playTune(e));